My Week/Weekend in One Post

Oh wow, so much has seemed to happen. Not really... but, well, my mom has just returned from the hospital last wednesday and is slowly getting better. Her pain was something to get used to and the consistity of havening to do everything (since she cannot lift anything for 6 weeks since the surgery) has been difficult, even for her. I have gotten myself into a show I will never regret watching *cough, cough* Steven Universe and I'm super excited for 51!

I found out that my favorite breakfast food is called a Jamwich and for some reason I'm always happy to eat one. Today, at breakfast I was super rebellious and took more food than I was allowed. And no, it's not a crime, but it made me feel oddly great.

I've been having some difficulties with my friends, family, and boyfriend. It's as if I have no time for anyone. I'm sorry if I take too long with a lot of things and what not, but I won't let you down! I hope... uh.. bye?
